In an exciting development in digital health, Google has announced the launch of several AI-powered tools aimed at enhancing healthcare services. These tools promise to bring significant advancements in diagnostics, patient management, and overall healthcare accessibility, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to improve health outcomes globally.

AI in Diagnostics

One of the standout tools introduced by Google is an AI-driven diagnostic tool designed to assist healthcare professionals in identifying diseases more accurately and swiftly. This tool utilizes machine learning algorithms trained on vast datasets of medical images and records, enabling it to detect conditions such as cancers, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular issues with high precision. Early trials have shown promising results, with the AI system outperforming traditional diagnostic methods in several key areas.

Patient Management and Care

Google’s new suite also includes AI tools aimed at improving patient management and care. These tools provide real-time monitoring of patient vitals, predict potential health issues before they become critical, and suggest personalized treatment plans. By integrating with existing healthcare systems, these tools facilitate better communication between patients and healthcare providers, ensuring timely and effective interventions.

Enhancing Accessibility

In addition to improving diagnostics and patient care, Google’s AI initiatives focus on making healthcare more accessible. For instance, the AI tools are designed to be user-friendly, enabling individuals in remote and underserved areas to access quality healthcare services via mobile devices. This approach aims to bridge the gap in healthcare disparities by providing critical health information and services to those who need them most.

Ethical Considerations and Privacy

With the deployment of AI in healthcare, Google has emphasized the importance of ethical considerations and privacy protection. The company has implemented robust data security measures to safeguard patient information and is working closely with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with global health standards. Google’s commitment to transparency and ethical AI use is a critical component of its strategy to gain trust and acceptance among healthcare professionals and patients alike.

Future Prospects

The introduction of these AI-powered health tools marks a significant milestone in the intersection of technology and healthcare. Google’s efforts are expected to catalyze further innovations in digital health, encouraging other tech giants to invest in similar initiatives. As AI continues to evolve, its integration into healthcare systems worldwide holds the potential to transform the industry, making healthcare more efficient, accurate, and accessible.

For more information on Google’s AI health tools and their potential impact on the healthcare industry, visit Google Health.

Computer Repairs and Troubleshooting

Computer Hardware Repairs

This involves physical components of the computer.

Replacing Components:

  • Hard Drives: Involves removing the old drive, installing a new one, and possibly transferring data.
  • Memory (RAM): Upgrading or replacing faulty RAM sticks to improve performance or resolve issues.
  • Power Supplies: Swapping out a failing power supply unit (PSU) with a new one, ensuring compatibility with other components.
  • Motherboards, CPUs, and More: In more advanced cases, involves replacing or upgrading the motherboard, CPU, graphics cards, and other integral components.

    Apple’s Face ID is a secure and convenient facial recognition feature that utilizes a TrueDepth camera system for fast, reliable and secure access. 

    Apple made a big change in November 2017 when it released the iPhone X: It ditched Touch ID fingerprint security for a new face-based biometric sign-on tool called Face ID. The fingerprint scanner on most post-iPhone X Apple products is gone, and in its place is a new camera array capable of capturing a face map that is, according to Apple, 20 times less likely to be hacked than a Touch ID fingerprint.

    Face ID could bring us into a whole new age of biometric technology, but it isn’t without its critics. Fans of Touch ID and privacy advocates have been critical of Face ID, but like it or not, it’s now part of Apple’s ecosystem.

    Unlocking your phone with a fingerprint is nearly a thing of the past. The modern smartphone user, provided they have the latest Apple products, unlocks their device with a glance.

    How does Face ID work?

    Face ID maps faces in a similar way to how Touch ID maps fingerprints: It doesn’t store an image, but instead makes a map of the face using data points. When those data points match up with a face, it triggers an unlock.

    Apple maps faces with its front-facing camera array called the TrueDepth camera system. In addition to an improved camera, the TrueDepth system uses a dot map projected onto the face that is captured using infrared light.

    Once captured using light, the dot map is sent to the Secure Enclave on the device’s chip, where it is checked against existing records, just like a fingerprint. Face ID can also be used for other things that Touch ID used to do, like paying with Apple Pay or verifying your identity with apps.

    Apple Face ID Benefits

    The primary benefit of Face ID is that it provides fast and secure biometric authentication for device access. Unlike password or pin authentication, you do not need to enter or remember codes.

    And unlike Touch ID, you do not need to place a finger on a specific area on your device. Instead, a simple swipe up as you hold your device in a standard position so the front-facing camera has a view of your face is all that is needed to authenticate and provide access (Figure A).

    Figure A

    Apple mobile device display with the Swipe up to unlock prompt on highlight.
    Once active, Face ID works when you swipe up on a locked Apple mobile device.

    Apple Face ID Drawbacks

    For most people, there are few to no drawbacks to the use of Apple Face ID:

    • People who seek maximum security might prefer to enter a long password comprised of a string of random letters, numbers and characters.
    • People who object to facial scans and have fewer security concerns might prefer to enter a PIN code.
    • People with low or no vision might prefer to authenticate with a PIN, a password or Touch ID.

    However, most people will find that Face ID delivers reliable authentication quickly.

    Those concerned about law enforcement using Face ID to gain access to a secured device don’t need to worry either: A U.S. judge ruled in January 2019 that forcing users to unlock devices using biometric security methods like Face ID violates both the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. constitution.

    Which devices support Face ID?

    While Apple has included Face ID on every iPhone — except iPhone SE — in recent years, on tablets the feature remains available only on iPad Pro devices as of 2023. Recent generations of iPad, iPad Air and iPad mini, for example, all feature Touch ID rather than Face ID.

    SEE: Here’s everything you need to know about iPhone 15.

    These devices have specific technology — TrueDepth cameras — that are required for Face ID to function, so don’t expect older Apple devices to get Face ID support in the future.

    How to set up and use Apple Face ID

    Setting up Face ID is similar to setting up Touch ID: The phone will show a picture of your face, tell you to move it in a circle, so it can capture multiple angles, and will tell you when it has enough data (Figure B). Unlocking a device or purchasing something with Face ID is as simple as looking at the device. It will automatically scan your face and unlock or complete the purchase.

    Figure B

    Series of images on how to configure Face ID options.
    Select Settings | Face ID & Passcode, then follow Apple’s instructions and configure Face ID options as desired.

    If you have multiple looks — for example, you wear your hair significantly different for work, remove facial piercings, have distinctive glasses or wear heavy makeup — that could affect your ability to use Face ID, but you can set up alternate appearances in the Settings app.

    With Settings open, tap Face ID & Passcode, then tap Set Up Alternate Appearance. You’ll have to repeat the setup steps from before, and you’ll be all set — just like adding an additional fingerprint with Touch ID.

    How to set up Apple Face ID to work with a mask

    You may even configure Apple Face ID devices to work when you are wearing a facemask of the type commonly used to minimize COVID-19 transmission risks (Figure C). There are two methods of unlocking a mobile Face ID-equipped device when wearing a mask.

    Figure C

    Series of screenshots on how to configure Face ID to work with a mask.
    You may not only add an alternative appearance with Face ID, but also configure it to work with a mask.

    The first method involves using an Apple Watch. Beginning with iOS update 14.5, you can unlock an iPhone using an Apple Watch. First, you must install the iPhone update, and then you must update your Apple Watch using watchOS update 7.4 or later. Next, you must enable Apple Watch to unlock your iPhone by following these steps:

    1. Open Settings on the iPhone.
    2. Select Face ID & Passcode.
    3. Enter your passcode.
    4. Enable the iPhone unlock radio button.
    5. Confirm by pressing Turn On.

    Once those steps are complete, while wearing your Apple Watch, swipe up on the iPhone’s screen as normal. As long as a portion of your face is visible, the iPhone should unlock.

    The Apple Watch method can sometimes prove a little wonky, though. But in March 2022, Apple released iOS 15.4, which enables Face ID to work on iPhone 12 and later models when you’re wearing a mask. The process essentially consists of installing the update, then going to Settings, selecting Face ID & Passcode, enabling the Face ID With A Mask option and following the configuration steps.

    How secure is Apple’s Face ID?

    Although there are reports users have unlocked their iPhone using Face ID with their eyes closed — including when an iPhone’s Face ID and Passcode menu option Require Attention for Face ID option is disabled — Apple states “Face ID requires that the TrueDepth camera sees your face or your eyes.”

    Face ID often works with one eye open, such as in bright sunlight when you might squint. But Apple purposefully took steps designing Face ID to ensure an iPhone or iPad cannot be unlocked using your face unless your intention is specifically to unlock the device. This is why Face ID recognizes whether your eyes are open and you are directing your attention to the iPhone or iPad. Those requirements help prevent someone from unlocking your Face ID-equipped mobile device by holding the device in front of your face while you sleep.

    Apple’s Face ID also cannot be unlocked using a photo or printed picture. According to Apple, “Face ID matches against depth information, which isn’t found in print or 2D digital photographs. It’s designed to protect against spoofing by masks or other techniques through the use of sophisticated anti-spoofing neural networks.”

    Should you use Apple’s Face ID on business devices?

    Face ID is safe to use on Apple mobile devices you use for work, as it helps reduce the potential that a device might be accessed by anyone other than the authorized user or owner. Face ID generally works quickly and accurately to identify the user and allow access.

    Compared to alternative methods of device authentication, Face ID requires little effort on the part of most people. Since Face ID is not available yet for macOS laptop or desktop devices, you’ll need to take other steps to secure those systems.


    The Internet has proved revolutionary for local merchants. Businesses of all sizes have benefited from the proliferation of e-commerce platforms since they have given them access to consumers all over the world. Equalizing access to marketing opportunities is another key contribution of social media, which has made it feasible for even the smallest enterprises to compete with those with much greater resources.

    In addition, the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices has made it simpler than ever for entrepreneurs to maintain contact with their clients and staff, run day-to-day operations, and have access to vital information and insights while on the road. Small firms have benefited greatly from the enhanced efficiency and responsiveness made possible by today’s ubiquitous internet.

    Effective Resources for Growing Your Small Business

    Numerous software programs and other tools have been developed over the past two decades to aid small businesses in streamlining their processes, cutting costs, and increasing productivity. Among the most revolutionary tools are:

    In the Cloud:

    The need for small businesses to invest in expensive on-premise hardware and software installations has been greatly reduced by cloud-based services such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and Dropbox.

    Information Technology for Relationship Marketing:

    Customer relationship management (CRM) tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho have changed the game for small businesses by automating marketing and sales operations, recording customer interactions, and giving actionable data to fuel expansion.

    Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce are three examples of popular e-commerce platforms that make it simple for even the smallest businesses to launch and operate their own online stores, equipping them with all they need to offer their customers a pleasant online buying experience.

    Software for project management: programs like Trello, Asana, and Basecamp have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of processes and communication between employees at firms of all sizes.

    Google Analytics, Tableau, and Looker are just a few of the analytics and data visualization tools that have helped small businesses harness the value of data and use it to their advantage.

    Using Technology to Improve Tomorrow:

    Small firms that are willing to adapt to the ever-accelerating speed of technological change by investing in the appropriate tools and tactics will be in a strong position to succeed. Small businesses can compete with larger rivals and pave the path for a brighter and more successful future by embracing technology to streamline operations, engage customers, and make data-driven choices.

    By: Richard A. Ovalle Jr

    “Digital Shield: Top 5 Proven Strategies to Safeguard Your Computer from Viruses, Spyware, and Malware”

    Install and Update Antivirus Software: A robust antivirus software is the first defence against viruses, spyware, and malware. Install a reputable antivirus program and set it to update automatically. Regular updates are essential because new threats emerge daily, and your antivirus software must be up-to-date to identify and eliminate the latest risks.

    Use a Firewall: A firewall is a security measure that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic, acting as a barrier between your computer and the internet. It helps prevent unauthorized access to your system by blocking malicious software and hackers. Ensure your operating system’s built-in firewall is enabled, or install a reliable third-party firewall for added protection.

    Be Cautious with Email Attachments and Links: One common way malware spreads through seemingly harmless email attachments and links. Always be cautious when opening email attachments, even if they appear from a trusted source. Avoid clicking on suspicious or unsolicited links, and never provide personal information through email. Instead, delete the email or contact the sender to verify its authenticity when in doubt.

    Keep Your Operating System and Software Updated: Malware often exploits vulnerabilities in outdated software to infiltrate your computer. Regularly updating your operating system and other software is essential in protecting your computer. Turn on automatic updates for your operating system and frequently used applications to ensure you receive the latest security patches and bug fixes.

    Practice Safe Browsing Habits: Your online behaviour can significantly impact your computer’s security. Avoid visiting suspicious websites, downloading files from unknown sources, or clicking pop-up ads. Use strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts, and consider using a password manager to help you manage them securely. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible for added security.

    There’s a lot to rave about with the Google Pixel 6 and 6 Pro, but their fingerprint scanners are not among those things. Since the Pixel 6 release in October, users have been complaining about its sluggish, unreliable fingerprint scanner that makes the phone a hassle to unlock. Google has finally responded to those complaints, and while it provided an explanation, it didn’t really offer any solid solution (via Engadget).

    In a reply on Twitter, Google attributes the issue to the “enhanced security algorithms” that the Pixel 6’s fingerprint scanner uses. Google says that these security measures can make your fingerprint “take longer to verify or require more direct contact with the sensor.” It then provides a link to a Google support page that really doesn’t offer much help, besides suggesting to ensure your fingers are clean and that you’re using a finger that you’ve registered with the phone.

    Replies from other Twitter users suggest that it may be a hardware issue. The Pixel 6 uses an under-the-screen optical fingerprint scanner instead of a fast ultrasonic one like the Samsung Galaxy S21, which some users say could be the reason behind the sensor’s poor performance. But as noted by Engadget, other users on Reddit say that the optical fingerprint scanner works fine on their OnePlus phones, possibly indicating a software issue specific to the Pixel 6.

    For now, it looks like there’s no clear solution to the Pixel 6’s finicky fingerprint scanner, and Google’s answer is vague at best. There’s no telling whether Google can patch the issue in a software update, or if the scanner’s so-called “enhanced” security system really is picky when it comes to prints.

    Until Google decides to resurrect face unlock, which had its own security flaws, you’ll just have to resort to typing in your PIN. Otherwise, the Pixel 6 will test your patience as you try to scan your fingerprint over and over again.

    Microsoft’s current version of Windows on the market is Windows 10, which would imply that one day a Windows 11 could launch, right? Microsoft is expected to ship a large update for Windows later this year, codenamed Sun Valley, that is said to bring with it a brand new user experience with a new Start menu, sounds, iconography, and much more.

    We understand that this update is a significant change in how Windows looks and operates, and as such, Microsoft may be considering shipping this release as something more than Windows 10. Microsoft is holding a “What’s next for Windows” event on June 24th, and a number of teases appear to imply that the company may call this next release “Windows 11.”

    Windows 11 release date

    Because Microsoft has committed to treating Windows 10 as a service, there is no current release date or download for a Windows 11 just yet. Instead, Microsoft will continue updating Windows 10 with new features and security patches. The next major Windows update, known widely as Sun Valley, is expected to debut in October 2021. Microsoft is planning to unveil the next generation of Windows, and the teaser appears to suggest that a “Windows 11” could be announced.

    Why Windows 11 doesn’t (yet) exist

    While there are several reasons why Microsoft hasn’t yet made a, and it all comes back to “Windows as a Service.” This is Microsoft’s way of making sure Windows 10 remains the latest version of Windows. Instead of releasing a fresh version of the OS every three or six years with new features and changes, the company will instead constantly update Windows 10 with those incremental updates instead.

    This keeps everything clean and simple but does result in somewhat more boring OS updates, rather than Microsoft launching one big update every few years. The last handful of Windows 10 feature updates have been relatively minor with little changes, tweaking smaller aspects of the experience, rather than changing the look and feel of the OS.

    With that in mind, Microsoft could still ship a Windows 11 while maintaining its “Windows as a Service” promise. Windows 11 could just be the name of the next Windows 10 feature update, delivered in the exact same way as previous Windows 10 feature updates have been. It would be free, seamless, and easy to install.

    Windows 11: Release date, price, and everything you need to know | Windows Central

    Google and Microsoft are at knives drawn. Driven in part by pressure from lawmakers and regulators over the extraordinary power the two technology companies wield over American life, the California-based search engine giant and Washington-based software firm are wrestling to throw each other under the bus.

    Tensions between Microsoft Corp and Alphabet-owned Google have been simmering for a while but the rivalry has become unusually public in recent days as executives from both firms have been put on the defensive over competing crises.

    Google faces bipartisan complaints – and journalistic ire – over its role in gutting the media industry’s advertisement revenue, the subject of a Congressional antitrust hearing on Friday.

    Microsoft, meanwhile, faces scrutiny for its role in back-to-back cybersecurity breaches.

    In the first, the same allegedly Russian hackers who compromised the Texas software firm SolarWinds Corp also took advantage of Microsoft’s cloud software to break into some of the company’s clients. The second, disclosed on March 2, saw allegedly Chinese hackers abuse previously unknown vulnerabilities to vacuum up emails from Microsoft customers around the world.

    Addressing lawmakers on Friday (12 March) at a House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee on news, Microsoft President Brad Smith was due to fire a shot at Google, telling representatives that media organizations are being forced to “use Google’s tools, operate on Google’s ad exchanges, contribute data to Google’s operations, and pay Google money,” according to excerpts of his testimony published by Axios.

    Google fired back, saying that Microsoft’s “newfound interest in attacking us comes on the heels of the SolarWinds attack and at a moment when they’ve allowed tens of thousands of their customers — including government agencies in the U.S., NATO allies, banks, nonprofits, telecommunications providers, public utilities, police, fire and rescue units, hospitals and, presumably, news organizations — to be actively hacked via major Microsoft vulnerabilities.”


    (Photo by Mateusz Slodkowski/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

    Facebook is cracking down on Groups that break company rules. Changes like improved recommendations and restricted reach are rolling out globally over the coming months, in an effort to keep folks safe online.

    “It’s important to us that people can discover and engage safely with Facebook groups so that they can connect with others around shared interests and life experiences,” Tom Alison, vice president of engineering at Facebook, wrote in a blog announcement. “That’s why we’ve taken action to curb the spread of harmful content, like hate speech and misinformation, and made it harder for certain groups to operate or be discovered.”

    With great power comes great responsibility—particularly when amplifying certain parties on the internet. Facebook toes a fine line between dangerous and non-threatening groups that cover the same topics. “The tension we navigate isn’t between our business interests and removing low-quality groups,” Alison said. “It’s about taking action on potentially harmful groups while still ensuring that community leaders can grow their groups that follow the rules and bring people value.”Changes to keep Facebook Groups safePhoto via Facebook

    The social network already removes civic, political, and health groups from US recommendations, as well as newly created collectives and those that repeatedly share misinformation. Moving forward, any group that violates company rules will be pushed down the list, making it more difficult to simply stumble upon. Facebook took a similar approach to posts on the News Feed.

    “We believe that groups and members that violate our rules should have reduced privileges and reach,” the blog said. Each offense earns a more severe punishment, until they are kicked off the platform. “And when necessary in cases of severe harm,” Alison explained, “we will outright remove groups and people without these steps in between.”

    Thinking of joining a new digital posse? Facebook will let you know if you’re about to enroll in a group that has Community Standards violations, and plans to limit invite notifications and reduce content distribution. The social network will also require admins and moderators to temporarily approve all posts for any group with a substantial number of rule-breaking members or followers who were part of previously removed groups. Repeat offenders will be blocked from posting or commenting for a period in any group.

    “These measures are intended to help slow down the reach of those looking to use our platform for harmful purposes and build on existing restrictions we’ve put in place over the last year,” according to Alison. “There is always more to do to keep Facebook Groups safe, and we will continue to build and invest to make sure people can rely on these places for connection and support.”

    By Stephanie Mlot March 18, 2021
